752 days & 2500+ failed attempts later...

Where most would have simply given up we didn't. From the gut-wrenching lows to moments you won't believe. This is a story like no other.

Ok, let's do it...

This idea was born in 2018. Harry (8) & Archie (6) were upset about all the plastic waste piling up in the world.

Two months later, a plan was in place to help untrash the planet®

We scribbled down four guiding principles:

1) Only use 100% recycled materials
2) Make products that last
3) Don't exploit people or the planet
4) Employees get time with their kids or loved ones.

To this day the kids still make decisions in the business.

After 2503 nos we got a yes...

It took us 752 days to invent a way to turn the plastic of one single-use bottle into a pair of 100% recycled and ethical sunglasses frames. There were some very dark days but eventually we cracked it and the sun came out! 

Made in Australia

We set up our own manufacturing to make sure no person, nor the planet, is exploited and everyone gets paid a fair wage.

Fashion royalty noticed us

Selfridges London voted the best department store in the world 4 times were so fascinated by our glasses & story, they gave us an entire window next to Prada for 3 months. You can't make this stuff up!

The most awarded

We've been fortunate enough to be internationally recognised for our unique repairable design. So much so, we're now judging design and sustainable awards.

In London, we won the 2022 Marie Claire UK fashion award for Best Sustainable Accessory Brand (Eyewear).

We're now the most awarded eyewear brand in Australia and beyond.

Sharing our story

We regularly give talks around the world with the hope it inspires others to make change. We've spoken to Tesla, Google & the United Nations to name a few.

Book us for a keynote or panel discussion via our speaking agent Saxton's.

Global front page news

Because we're doing something different, we’ve been featured on prime time TV news here in Australia and overseas, National Geographic, ForbesMonocle and even the front page of the Sydney’s Sunday paper, The Sun Herald.

Any attention that helps raise awareness of the single-use plastic issue is good attention.

We spoke at the UN

We were part of the United Nations 2020 Global Impact conference. We deliver on five of the UN’s 2030 goals.

SDG 8 Inclusive and sustainable economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production 
SDG 14 Life below water 
SDG 15 Life on land

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Education & teaching

From day one we said we'd share our learnings. We teach at many leading design & fashion universities in Australia to think differently about waste. We're now part of the schools curriculum and exam board in Victoria. Kids now study Good Citizens!

Your kidding! Top 20!

Who’d have thought trash could be cool. In 2022 we were acknowledged for pushing the boundaries, not playing it safe and doing something new.

The day we go out of business will be a good day for the planet.

We're not crazy, we're just honest. The day we run out of discarded single-use bottles to recycle means together we've done our bit to help the planet ;)

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