June 27 marks International Sunglasses Day, a perfect opportunity to spotlight the importance of eco-friendly fashion. At Good Citizens, we're proud to lead the way in sustainable eyewear with our unique approach to solving the single-use plastic problem. Here's why our eco sunglasses stand out in the crowded market of fashion accessories.

Solving the single-use plastic problem

Every year, nearly 1 trillion plastic bottles are made with around 7-15% being recycled, the rest with a high chance of reaching landfills or oceans, contributing to a massive environmental crisis. At Good Citizens, we've found a creative solution: transforming single-use plastic bottles into stylish, durable sunglasses frames. Each frame is crafted from 100% recycled plastic, meaning one bottle equals one frame. By choosing our sunglasses, you're directly helping to reduce plastic waste.

Made in Sydney, repairable in seconds

Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond recycling. We manufacture all our sunglasses locally in Sydney, ensuring high-quality craftsmanship and reducing our carbon footprint. Additionally, our frames are designed to be easily repairable. With just a few clicks, you can replace any part of your sunglasses, extending their life and reducing waste.

Premium protection with Carl Zeiss Vision lenses

When it comes to protecting your eyes, we don't compromise. Over 50% of sunglasses on the market can actually harm your eyes due to poor UV protection. At Good Citizens, we use premium Carl Zeiss Vision lenses to ensure your eyes are fully protected from harmful UV rays. Our sunglasses offer both style and safety, giving you peace of mind while you enjoy the sun.

Award-winning sustainable fashion

We're the most awarded eyewear brand in Australia, we also won Marie Claire UK's Best Sustainable Fashion Accessory award, judged by UK industry giants. This prestigious award is a testament to our dedication to creating eco-friendly, stylish, and high-quality sunglasses. We're incredibly proud of this achievement and continue to strive for excellence in sustainable fashion.

Join the movement

This International Sunglasses Day, choose sustainability without sacrificing style. Explore our collection of eco sunglasses and become part of the solution to the single-use plastic problem. Learn more about our commitment to sustainability on our Sustainability Page and shop our latest designs in our Shop.

By choosing Good Citizens, you're not just buying a pair of sunglasses—you're making a statement for a greener, more sustainable future. Happy International Sunglasses Day!

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