Craig Leeson - 2022 TAS Australian of The Year


Name: Craig Leeson (2022 TAS Australian of The Year)
Occupation: Explorer, speaker and an award-winning filmmaker.
Purpose: Protecting our oceans and the planet.

From the United Nations to hanging out of helicopters

Craig proudly wears his Good Citizens sunnies where ever he goes, from the United Nations to meetings with world leaders to making his award-winning films hanging out of helicopters. 

Craig's glasses are fitted with special green clips, which we reserve for those super citizens doing great things for the planet. Sir David Attenborough has a pair with green clips too.

You may know him from his documentary feature films A Plastic Ocean and The Last Glaciers or maybe as the 2022 TAS Australian of The Year. You may have been in the audience of one of his talks including TEDx.

Craig’s latest film, The Last Glaciers, looks at the impact of global climate change. Craig travelled to 12 countries over four years to bring the film to life.

In 2017, when Craig released A Plastic Ocean, it was ranked the number one documentary on iTunes in the US, the UK and Canada. It helped launch global impetus for change to save our oceans from plastic pollution.

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